1. Any amount less would not have sent the appropriate message. This is the largest financial penalty — not including pay lost during suspensions — that has ever been handed out by the NFL. It’s really surprising Sullivan wasn’t injured not that it mattered. It also didn’t matter that Suh says he didn’t intend to hit him low.
2. Suh should be happy he wasn’t suspended. Although a two-game suspension would have cost less. His game week pay checks are about $37,000. When he was suspended for two games after stomping Green Bay’s Evan Dietrich-Smith on Thanksgiving 2011, it cost him $164,000 in missed pay. On Thanksgiving a year later he was fined $30,000 for kicking Matt Schaub in the groin.
3. That play was totally unnecessary. Sullivan was behind the play — he was never going to catch DeAndre Levy who was on his way to the end zone. It might be a little different if Sullivan had been a running back or wide receiver. Suh has to know this. If he didn’t look up-field at the dust created by Levy, he should have.
4. If the Lions had lost by a touchdown, Suh would be blasted by fans. Instead most of them seem to defend him and think the fine is excessive. He is their guy. If he was on another team they would hate him.
5. Suh reportedly apologized to his teammates on Tuesday. Swell, but he should have done it immediately after the game instead of waiting until he was fined. I say too little, too late. He was voted a defensive team captain last week and then called a short team meeting telling his teammates they had to cut back on silly penalties. Just how silly does $100,000 sound?
Uhh... he apologized to the team immediately afterwards, he apologized to Sullivan at the half, and that meeting that he apologized to the team at, was before the fine was sent down.
Great reporting.
I have been on pins n' needles awaiting clay Mathews fine/penalty for his outrageous after the whistle late hit.. That was PREMEDITATED!! Also, waiting to see what Dante hall and that other clown are going to get for their antics last night... Suh has been a product of some of his earlier actions. However, this is as outrageous as getting fined for the cutler hit... If his fine gets upheld, I hope the NFLPA gets involved.
This is such overkill. He could sneeze the wrong way and the NFL would fine him. THIS IS FOOTBALL!!! This happens all the fuckin time. Suh is not the only one who plays the way he does. Look at the blantant and intentional late hit on Kap in the SanFran GB game? But Clay Matthews isn't dirty...of course not! Player Safety? These guys know what they're risking every time they collect on the multimillion dollar deals and step out on the field! Goodell just keeps on taking more away from the game. I don't pay hundreds of dollars for tickets and suscribe to NFL Ticket to watch a bunch of men play flag football! 100,000 dollars?! Are you fuckin kidding me? Sulluvan didn't cry about when he and Suh at halftime afterwards he wants to talk about respecting other players careers? Give me a break! Whatta crybaby...all waawaa my microfractured foot and he could've really hurt me...waawaa he should be suspended...Sullivan should be suspendef for beong such a sissy! This is a joke!
"If he was on another team they would hate him"? If he was on a NY team or Green Bay this wouldn't even be a story.
I respectfully disagree. The perception that this was a dirty play was a direct result of the sensationalization which relies on low hanging fruit to trump up the case.
This was out of line and represents a mechanism that is making football less enjoyable to watch.
Yes it may have been an unnecessary decision, but that's why there are penalties. Hands to the face is unnecessary -- could cause a concussion. Hits out of bounds are unnecessary -- those things could lead to injury. Those things happen every game, but to fine players in record amounts for similar offenses sets an awful precedent.
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